

What to see & discover

My Top 5 for Dresden


Marvel at the Dresden Frauenkirche

The Dresden Frauenkirche is one of the most famous sights in Dresden. Normally, I wouldn't put such a well-known sight in my personal number 1 spot. But the Frauenkirche does, as an exception. After all, it is Dresden's landmark for a reason. I find the church, towering over the Neumarkt with its incredible dome, very impressive!

It is also fascinating that the reconstruction of this church was only completed in 2005 and yet the church looks as if it had never been gone.


Take a look at the city from above

I love seeing cities from above. Dresden is no exception. Originally, we wanted to climb the Hausmannsturm for this. However, it was closed due to renovations, so we headed to the Kreuzkirche instead. Definitely not a bad decision, because once we had climbed 256 steps, a beautiful view of Dresden and the dome of the Frauenkirche opened up before us. And by the way, the entrance fee of EUR 2.50 per person was cheaper than the alternatives.

By the way: after our walk up the tower, we visited the Kreuzkirche from the inside. It is Saxony's largest church. It is also the oldest church in Dresden. The church dates back to the 13th century. To be fair, however, it must be said that it was destroyed by fire in 1897 and did not survive the Second World War unscathed.


Going out in the Outer New Town

Outer Neustadt is the nightlife district in Dresden. There are countless pubs, restaurants, bars and clubs in the streets around the Assi-Eck. We spent our evening in the Lebowski Bar, a quaint pub with a certain charm of its own. I can highly recommend it as a stopover for a beer or two. You might even get to know the owner, who served us. A nice fellow with whom we had a good chat all evening and who knows and loves his guests!

Otherwise, I would just go with the flow. There's so much choice that you're guaranteed to always find something for you!


View of the Brühl Terrace from the Elbe meadows

The best view of Dresden's Old Town is from the Elbe meadows. Because from the other bank of the Elbe, you have a fantastic view of Brühl's Terrace! Whether during the day, at sunset or at night - the view is magnificent at any time of day. The meadows are also ideal for picnics or sports. Inline skaters and cyclists can also enjoy the sun on the promenade. There is a beer garden for those who are hungry or thirsty. Perfect for a sunny day in Dresden!


Take a leisurely stroll through the Kunsthofpassage

The Kunsthofpassage is located in five small courtyards in the Outer New Town. It consists of several small cafés, stores and studios. Each courtyard and the building facades are artistically designed in their own way. The aim was to breathe new life into the dull buildings and courtyards in order to bring work and living into harmony. A great concept that worked! You can visit the courtyards at any time of day. However, it makes the most sense to stop by when the small stores and cafés are open.


The Elbe divides Dresden's city center into the Old and New Towns. But it doesn't just divide the city into “old” and “new”. Rather, the river divides it into two different faces. The two parts of Dresden are so different that you have the feeling of being in two completely different cities. But that's exactly what makes Dresden so charming: the different faces.

Old Town of Dresden

I think it's kind of funny that Dresden's old town is called “Altstadt”. Because nothing here is actually 100% old. After all, all the magnificent buildings had to be rebuilt after the war. After all, Dresden was almost completely destroyed in the Second World War. I find it all the more spectacular that you don't realize at first glance that some of the buildings were only rebuilt a few years ago. The reconstruction of Dresden's famous 18th century Frauenkirche, for example, was carried out between 1993 and 2005. For me as a tourist, it's hard to believe that the reconstruction of this magnificent building only began shortly before I was born! But I am very pleased that, unlike in many other places, no buildings were simply erected here after the war. Dresden's old town wouldn't be the same without these magnificent buildings.

We were very lucky to be able to spend the night in this beautiful old town. When I pushed open the curtains of our hotel room, we looked directly at one of Dresden's most famous churches: the Kreuzkirche. After leaving the hotel to go on a discovery tour, we suddenly found ourselves at the next sight: the Altmarkt. A great starting point for our Dresden experience!

The first stop on our Old Town tour was immediately clear to us: the spectacular Dresden Frauenkirche on Neumarkt square. From there, we continued towards the Dresden Zwinger. On the way there, we made short stops here and there, because there's something to see everywhere! We passed the Residenzschloss and the Fürstenzug. We also ventured into Camonda's chocolate shop, where we bought small gifts for our loved ones. After a stop at the Catholic Court Church, we climbed the stairs of the Zwinger. From the Zwinger's terrace, we had a great view of the entire palace complex, which is why we continued our walk there. This led us on to the Semper Opera House, where we took a break on the steps of the King John Monument and enjoyed the rays of sunshine. Apropo sunbeams, at sunset we walked to the Elbe meadows to enjoy a fantastic view of Brühl's Terrace - the “skyline” of Dresden's old town.

Of course, Dresden's old town has a lot more to offer. We also passed the New Town Hall and the Landhaus on our way. There are also several museums such as the Green Vault, the Albertinum and the Lipius Building. To make it a little easier for you, I have created a list on Google Maps with the most important places in Dresden and the Old Town. You can find it here.

New Town of Dresden

After discovering the magnificent old town, we set off for the new town. Dresden's Neustadt is divided into the Inner and Outer Neustadt. Roughly speaking, the two parts are separated by the traffic circle at Albertplatz. While the Inner Neustadt still forms a certain transition to the Old Town, you will experience a completely different Dresden in the Outer Neustadt!

The Inner New Town

If you cross the Elbe from the Old Town over the Augustus Bridge, you will end up in the Inner New Town. The extensive Elbe meadows stretch along the Elbe here, from where you have a wonderful view of Brühl's Terrace. Especially in summer, you can end the evening here by bringing a blanket and a picnic.

On your way through the Innere Neustadt, you will also find many old and magnificent buildings. Some of them are home to government and administrative offices. Or, like the Japanese Palace, they serve as museum buildings. However, the Innere Neustadt is much quieter than the Old Town. Along Königsstraße with its Dreikönigskirche church, there is noticeably less going on than on the other side of the Elbe. We also encounter far fewer tourists in the Neustadt market hall.

The Outer New Town

The Outer New Town is much busier. Especially in the evenings, it's a hive of activity. The Outer New Town is known for its many pubs, restaurants, bars and clubs around the Assi-Eck. No matter where you are in the Outer New Town, you will find a place to go out just a few meters away.

But it's also worth paying a visit to the Outer New Town during the day. You can go shopping in one of the small boutiques, stroll through the Kunsthofpassage in Görlitz Straße or visit the Pfundsmolkerei (“the most beautiful dairy store in the world”) in Bautzner Straße!

In the Outer New Town you will also discover the biggest difference to the Old Town. Some of the houses in the Outer New Town are a bit run-down. Most of them are sprayed with graffiti. The people who live here are also very different. Outer Neustadt offers a multicultural and alternative image in the otherwise rather bourgeois Dresden. As a result, the district has an overall anti-fascist character. This very different image to the Old Town gave me the feeling that the residents of the Outer New Town live in their own community away from the rest of the city. A project similar to the free city of Christiania in Copenhagen could certainly be implemented here...

And it is precisely these differences that I find so interesting about Dresden. Dresden doesn't just have one face, it has many different faces.


The image of the many different faces is also reflected outside the “city center” of Dresden. On our journey to Dresden, we pass through many small, charming villages. We have the feeling that the world is still in order here. Everything seems so idyllic. Just as idyllic is the huge forest area of Dresdener Heide, which borders directly on the city and offers a beautiful place to take a break from the stress of the big city.

Our route took us further into the Weißer Hirsch district - Dresden's wealthy quarter. The many villas and the view over Dresden from here are impressive! Not far away, however, you will find some more industrial impressions. The Dresden suspension railroad and the Loschwitz funicular are just around the corner. In addition, the famous industrial bridge Blaues Wunder connects the Weißer Hirsch with the other side of the Elbe.

I was particularly taken with the Kraftwerk Mitte power station. The old buildings of the power station are now home to a great cultural center. This is where industry meets culture. The Kultur-Kraftwerk is still being expanded and is still developing. But the industrial buildings are already home to the Dresden State Operetta, the Theater Junge Generation and the University of Music. The “T1 Bistro & Café” and the “Neue Sachlichkeit” restaurant have also set up shop here. We took a little breather at T1. The coffee, hot chocolate and cake were great! Kraftwerk Mitte is also suitable as an event location and is home to so much more!

Dresden surprises again and again with unique buildings. The Yenidze, which you can see from afar, looks like a mosque. But we soon find out that it is an old factory building of a tobacco and cigarette factory! What? How did this come about? It's simple: due to urban planning regulations in 1909, no factories were allowed to be built in the city center that were outwardly recognizable as such. Therefore, the Yenidze was architecturally designed to resemble a mosque. Today, the building still houses a few offices and a restaurant with a beer garden.

Tired of industry and want to get out into the countryside? Then make your way to the Großer Garten - Dresden's “Central Park”. With its extensive meadows, ponds, a lake and some wooded areas, this is the perfect place to take a break. You'll also find a palace here! The adjacent botanical garden, which is home to 10,000 plant species, is also worth a detour. If, on the other hand, you prefer things a little smaller and are in Neustadt anyway, you can also settle down in Aulanpark and enjoy a beautiful view over the city.

As you can see, Dresden is multifaceted! So it's worth visiting the city. Whether for a weekend or a week, it doesn't matter. You won't get bored and you'll get your money's worth!

I have compiled a list of all the places on Google Maps.

You can find the list here.