

Before our trip to Jordan, I honestly had no idea what to expect. People kept asking me: “You're going to Jordan? What is there to see?”. One thing I can say now: more than you think! Jordan is one of the most diverse countries I have had the pleasure of getting to know. And to dispel any preconceptions right away: Jordan is a safe country! Even as a woman, you can travel through Jordan without any concerns. The country is much more liberal and modern than you might think. But discover it for yourself!



I have to say, I am overwhelmed by Jordan! I already knew before the trip that Jordan is a diverse country. But my expectations were exceeded! Jordan is such an interesting country. I wouldn't have expected that a few months ago... Because two years ago, Jordan wasn't even on my radar. I knew the ancient city of Petra from movies, but that was all I really associated with Jordan. At some point, I saw more and more pictures from Jordan and started to take an interest in this foreign country...

Jordan not only offers tradition and culture, but is also a modern Arab country. And very importantly, Jordan is considered a safe haven in a crisis area. So it was the perfect destination to get to know the Middle East!

And this time Bene and I weren't traveling alone. Instead, we were joined by four friends on a road trip through the unknown. But even though we were going to such a foreign country, the planning was very simple! Jordan is a relatively small country with a good infrastructure, so we were able to combine our various stops easily. This allowed us to take a relaxed approach to the whole trip. That makes things a lot easier before a trip like this!

With hindsight, however, I now know that there are some things you just can't plan. Because a few things went wrong for us... First, our credit cards didn't work (all of them didn't!), so we were left without money. Because we had the great idea of simply getting our cash locally by withdrawing it with our credit card... I guess it wasn't such a great idea after all! So you'd better get a few Jordanian dinars in advance. Once we had digested the first drama with the money, the next faux pas came: we wanted to go diving and had forgotten the GoPro in Germany... Too bad! Fortunately, our diving instructors took photos of us with their GoPro. But the unexpected often happens: the memory card had a fault and all the photos were lost after the dive... Well, tick it off and let's move on! But what's that on the front of our windshield? Oh no, a stone chip! And on the rental car too...

And so it went on and on and on... From bad ice cream to rain in the desert to digestive problems due to the unfamiliar food. There really was a bit of everything. But we took it all in good humor! And in the end, it was precisely these moments that made the trip so special and unforgettable...

xx Chiara

I have put together a list of all the places on Google Maps. You can find the list here.




Jordan's capital is Amman.


The national language is Arabic, although some also understand or speak English.



In Jordan, the Jordanian dinar (JOD) is used for payment. 1 EUR corresponds to approx. 0.77 JOD.


Entry & Visas

You will need your passport to enter Jordan. This must be valid for 6 months at the start of your trip. An identity card is not sufficient.

Generally, a visa is also required to enter Jordan. You can obtain this at the airport and the Jordanian borders (except at the King Hussein Bridge on the border with Israel) for around 40 JOD. The normal tourist visa is valid for two months, but can be extended. Alternatively, you can buy the Jordan Pass online in advance. This is very worthwhile. The pass not only includes the visa for a (single) entry, but also admission to many Jordanian sights (including Petra).


Eastern European Time (UTC+2) applies.

Credit card & ATMs

There are a few ATMs in the cities. However, we often had the problem that our credit card was not accepted. It is therefore better to get enough cash beforehand. Also, always check with your bank whether your credit card is activated for non-European countries.

Outside of cities, you should always have enough cash with you anyway. It's also best to ask in advance whether card payment is possible in restaurants and other establishments.

A little tip: Our N26 cards worked at all ATMs without any problems. You just have to remember to load the card with enough money beforehand!


Best time to visit

In principle, the best time to travel to Jordan is fall or spring. This is because it can be stiflingly hot in summer. In winter, on the other hand, there is often heavy rainfall, which is why some sites such as Wadi Mujib or Petra are closed for safety reasons. At the Red Sea, the weather is usually still good in winter and temperatures are around 20 degrees.



I would recommend getting an international driving license in advance. Although a European driving license is usually sufficient for EU citizens, I would still play it safe.

The traffic signs and rules are by and large the same as in Europe. The speed limits are 120 km/h on freeways, 80 km/h outside built-up areas and 50 km/h within built-up areas. The drink-drive limit is 0.0 per mille!

The main roads are well developed and usually in good condition. However, you should avoid side roads and desert roads. If you do end up on one, please make sure that you check that your vehicle is really roadworthy beforehand and adjust the tire pressure accordingly.



If you use your home SIM card, you will have to expect high roaming charges. These vary from provider to provider. You should therefore get a Jordanian or international SIM card if you are dependent on your phone. However, it was enough for us that we had WIFI in our accommodation and restaurants. It's also good not to be reachable 24-7.


  Costs (6 persons)

  • Flights (there and back): 87€ p.p.
  • Jordan Pass: 100€ p.p.
  • Rental car 10 days: 998€/ 166€ p.p.
  • Hotel Aqaba 1 night: 75€/ 12,50€ p.p.
  • Hotel Dead Sea 2 nights: 120€/ 20€ p.p.
  • Apartment Amman 1 night: 92€/ 15€ p.p.
  • Hotel Kerak 2 nights: 156€/ 26€ p.p.
  • Apartment Petra 2 nights: 332€/ 55€ p.p.
  • Camp Wadi Rum Desert 2 nights: 305€/ 50€ p.p.
  • Total food: approx. 120€ p.p.
  • Refueling in total: 235€/ 40€ p.p.
  • Diving in Aqaba: 85€ p.p.
  • Hot Springs: 10€ p.p.
  • Cab Amman: 35€/ 5€ p.p.
  • Spices Amman: 10€
  • Camel riding: 13€ p.p.

  Info for women

As a woman, you don't have to worry when you travel to Jordan - even if you are traveling alone. This is because Jordan is a very open and modern Arab country. Jordanians are therefore much more liberal towards women than many of their neighbors. For reasons of respect, I would still recommend that you wear loose-fitting clothes that are not provocative.

  The safe harbor

Jordan is considered a safe haven in a crisis area. And I can endorse that. The Jordanian security authorities are aware of the conflicts in their neighboring countries and have therefore increased security measures in the country. We never once felt unsafe in Jordan. In some cases, we even felt safer than in many a European city.

From the community for the community

Tips from the community

Do you have a tip for Jordan? Or a suggestion for the blog? Or would you simply like more information about Jordan?

Then write me!