

What to see & discover

01 Navigli

You've probably already noticed that I've taken a liking to the Navigli district. That's why Navigli has made it onto my personal list of Milan's must-sees. You can go shopping in boutiques here during the day and go out in the coolest bars in the evening.

We also discovered Ride Milano, an event venue on an industrial site near Porta Genova. In addition to street food stalls and a large stage, you'll also find a second-hand market, an exhibition and even table tennis tables & co. The area is something different and has a new program to offer every evening!


02 Cimitero Monumentale

My mom has often told me about this “interesting Milan cemetery”. Yes, I know. A cemetery doesn't sound like the coolest sight. But the Cimitero Monumentale is not comparable to other cemeteries.

The cemetery on the edge of the city center was built to provide a final resting place for both richer and poorer families. However, the difference between rich and poor is clearly visible in this cemetery even after death. While poorer and middle-class families can only afford urn graves and small gravestones, the richer families have erected veritable palaces here. Small churches, pyramids and sculptures line the resting places. It is precisely these buildings that make the cemetery so interesting.


03 The Milan Cathedral

The number 1 attraction in Milan didn't make it into my number 1 spot. Nevertheless, the Duomo di Milano is high up on my list. This is because the cathedral is well worth seeing - both inside and out. I would therefore definitely recommend buying a ticket for the Duomo and its roof terrace. If the weather is good, you can even see as far as the Alps from the roof terrace!

We weren't lucky enough to have to queue for tickets for too long. But this is certainly different under normal circumstances. So it's best to book your tickets in advance here.

A little tip: the stairs to the roof terrace are not too strenuous. So you don't have to take the elevator if there's another way. So go ahead and buy the cheaper ticket.


04 Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele I

Is there actually any gallery that is better known than the Milan gallery? Sure, there are beautiful galleries everywhere, for example in Naples or Brussels. But is even one of them as well-known as the Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele I? I guess not.

Of course, each of these galleries is worth a visit. But the Milan Galleria is particularly beautiful. It's just that the average person can hardly afford anything here. But window shopping is always nice and costs nothing!


05 Quadrilatero della Moda

The Quadrilatero della Moda (also known as Quad d'Oro) is Milan's fashion district - at least for the big designers and brands. The district owes its name to the four streets (Via Monte Napoleone, Via Manzoni, Via della Spiga and Corso Venezia) that frame it in the shape of a square. Shopping here is certainly not cheap, but the district is beautiful just to stroll around. The clean streets are lined with magnificent houses and it is generally very quiet.


06 Brera district

with botanical garden

If you prefer things a little quieter, then I can recommend the Brera district. Because there are more Milanese than tourists in Brera. We strolled through the district a little and took a look here and there in one of the boutiques. We saw lots of cute cafés along the way. Brera is also home to the Milan Botanical Gardens and a few old palazzos with museums that are well worth seeing.


07 Castello Sforzesco

The Castello Sforzesco is located right on the edge of the Brera district. The castle stands in the middle of the city and is surrounded by a large park (the Simplon Park), which is freely accessible to the public. This is why you can see the Milanese doing sport here or simply lying on one of the lawns and soaking up the sun. The park is also home to the Arco della Pace triumphal arch, an arena and an observation tower.


08 Via Torino

Now I've told you about all these expensive shopping opportunities... But nobody can afford that anyway? Don't worry, you can go easy on your wallet and still bring home a nice souvenir from Milan! All you have to do is head to Via Torino! After your shopping tour, you can make a stopover in Piazza Mercanti and stroll through the Cinque Vie - the medieval quarter.


09 Other places to see

I have only given you a brief insight into the sights of Milan. Because Milan has much more to offer. However, we didn't have time for that during our one-day stay. For those interested in art, the Santa Maria Delle Grazie monastery is definitely worth a visit, as Michelangelo's famous “Last Supper” hangs here. In general, there are plenty of museums in Milan, such as the Gallerie d'Italia, the Pinacoteca or the Leonardo da Vinci Museum. If you also have an evening in Milan, then it is certainly worth visiting La Scala opera house. The Palazzo Reale and the Basilica Sant'Ambrogio are also definitely worth a visit.


I have put together a list of all the places on Google Maps.

You can find the list here.