

Admittedly, I hadn't had Eastern Europe on my radar for a long time. There was simply nothing about it that appealed to me. But then I came to Prague and was surprised by a beautiful and interesting city. Prague showed me that Eastern Europe has much more to offer than I ever imagined.



In 2013, I traveled to Prague with my German class shortly before my A-levels. I wasn't expecting anything from the city and was just looking forward to a few cool days with my friends. When I arrived in Prague, however, I was completely surprised by this beautiful city.

I already knew then that I would be back! As I really wanted Bene to see this beautiful city too, I gave him a trip to Prague for his birthday (funnily enough, he gave me a trip to Paris - the city where he had been on a course trip - in the same year). My second trip to Prague was also great! Although it is still relatively cold in Prague at the beginning of March, we had sunny weather. So all we had to do was put on a thick jacket. The city was hardly overcrowded, which allowed us to experience the “Golden City” in all its beauty.

xx Chiara



  1. Charles Bridge
  2. Clementinum
  3. Prague Castle
  4. Old Town Square
  5. John Lennon Wall
  6. Jewish Quarter

Food & Drinks:

Food is relatively inexpensive in Prague. At least if you're not dining at one of the tourist hotspots. However, Prague is particularly famous for its cheap beer. But the best thing is: eating and drinking in Prague is not only cheap, but also delicious! To help you eat and drink as well as possible, I have put together my restaurants, café and bar tips for you!


We had a cute Airbnb near the square “Námestí Míru” in the Prague 2 district. The accommodation was very clean and spacious. There was also a reception, so someone was always available. Praha 2 is not as touristy as the city center. Nevertheless, it is only 5 to 10 minutes away from Praha 1 by streetcar. There are also many good restaurants and pubs near the square.


You can reach Prague from Germany by car, train or plane, but in my opinion it's easiest to travel by train! Because the flight connections are not very good and the train ride is more comfortable than driving yourself. You also don't have the problem of having to find an expensive parking space.

On the move

We usually took the tram into the city center and then continued on foot. We were able to pay for the streetcar ourselves via mobile pay at a machine on the streetcar. We just didn't quite understand the prices. Once we only paid 4 cents, once 1 EUR. Either way, the prices are not expensive!

Prague Without Tourists

If you want to experience Prague without tourists, then you need to set an alarm clock! We got up extra early to be at the - still deserted - Charles Bridge at 7am. Because by the afternoon, the bridge is unrecognizable. Suddenly there are masses of people there.

There's another reason why it's worth coming to the bridge so early in the morning: Because you can then see the sun rise over the old town! The only thing that was a little more difficult was finding a place to have breakfast so early in the morning. After searching in vain in the old town, we passed the Liberica Cafe on our way to John Lennon Wall. There are different breakfast variations for every taste.


  • Train tickets (there and back): 60€ p.p.
  • Airbnb for 3 nights in total: 106€
  • Costs for the tram (total): approx. 2€ p.p.
  • Cost of food & drink for the entire time for two: approx. 160€
  • Admission to Klementine: 8€

I have put together a list of all the places on Google Maps.

You can find the list here.

From the community for the community

Tips from the community

"I have lots of tips: 1. a walk to and view from the Prague Metronome, where there are often exhibitions. 2. the beer garden in Letna Park. 3. the Café Savoy in Malá Strana. And 4. VNITROBLOK in Prague 7 - the coolest student café."


"For all beer lovers: the Beer Spa!"


Do you have a tip for Prague? Or a suggestion for the blog? Or would you simply like more information about the Czech capital? Then write me!